[RFI] New Larger Fair-Rite #31 Toroid

Dave Cole dave at nk7z.net
Fri Apr 14 13:26:19 EDT 2017


A question for you...  Looking at the "Impedance vs. Frequency vs. Turn 
count" graph at:


It looks like these new cores only have two or three K of impedance with 
  five turns...  Am I interpreting this correctly?

If so, then using two of them with five turns becomes the standard if I 
want more than five K impedance?  Is that true?

73s and thanks,

On 04/14/2017 09:53 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> Yesterday, I got a quote on this part from Dexter, a vendor that has
> been competitive for past orders. They don't have stock, minimum order
> is a full box, which is 25 pieces, $15.18 each. 50 pieces is $14.27
> (-6%). 100 pieces is $13.57. Delivery was quoted as 14 weeks.
> 73, Jim K9YC

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