[RFI] death of plasma

Mike - W5JR w5jr.lists at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 13:56:26 EDT 2017

If you're moving to AZ, you'll want some solar hardware yourself. 

Mike / W5JR
Alpharetta GA

> On Aug 3, 2017, at 9:18 AM, Dave Cole <dave at nk7z.net> wrote:
> Boy that is the truth.  I will be moving to AZ soon, and every time I look with Google at a perspective location, I see Solar...
> Is there a "normal" distance these things propagate over?  I realize some will go further, and others will not...
> Do they feed RFI into the power lines, and hence all over, or are they just radiative in nature?  Just how close is too close to a place running solar?
> I am wondering just how far I need to be from one to not hear it.  Yes I realize this is a wide open question, I am just looking for people's experience is all.
> 73s and thanks,
> Dave
> NK7Z
> http://www.nk7z.net
>> On 08/03/2017 06:08 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
>> Unfortunately, it seems like as soon as one problem starts to fade out
>> like BPL and plasma, more pop up like solar panels and grow lights.
>> Rob
>> K5UJ
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