[RFI] death of plasma

Dave Cole dave at nk7z.net
Fri Aug 4 10:01:34 EDT 2017

If that's all one does with ham radio, you are probably right...

73s and thanks,

On 08/04/2017 06:46 AM, dalej wrote:
> It’s nice to see such passion for a hobby, but seems like a lot of money and trouble spent just to talk on ham radio and do 599’s all day and night in a contest.
> 73
> Dale, K9VUJ
> On 04, Aug 2017, at 8:21, Rob Atkinson <ranchorobbo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Lotsa luck on that. When W3LPL built his super station for contesting, it was in the middle of nowhere. When I visited 4-5 years ago, there was a big residential development across the road.<
> In other words, it isn't enough to determine the distance RFI
> radiates, buy isolated property and cross your fingers.  What you
> really have to do, if you can afford the luxury of owning a lot of
> land, is buy enough property to establish a buffer distance from
> property you don't own.  It's all about having control.  The only way
> to really prevent future RFI is to be able to control everything in
> the environment of your receiving antennas.  I've heard of hams buying
> just enough rural property to fit a guyed tower in.  Corn fields
> abound and it is ham heaven.  Then Farmer Joe kicks off, the kids sell
> the farm next door to a developer and (these things go up in no time
> at all) six months later the guy anchors are a few feet away from
> yards with cheap vinyl houses full of junk appliances.  Nose floor
> goes from S0 or S1 to S9.
> I believe the ideal is at least 500 feet in all directions from the rx
> antennas.  Enough land must be purchased to have control over that
> distance.
> Walt Disney learned this lesson.  DisneyLand in Anaheim was not built
> with any buffer.  Cheap tacky motels and tourist traps sprang up right
> outside the entrance much to Walt Disney's dismay.   When he planned
> Disney World in Florida, he established a phony shell company to
> quietly buy up property in small parcels below the radar, all around
> the theme park site.   When Disney World was announced, he already
> owned all the land around it.
> 73
> Rob
> K5UJ
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