[RFI] RFI In My Shack

Dave Cole (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Sat Dec 2 19:34:15 EST 2017

I'm with Jim here...  This is a recipe for RFI...

If it were me, I would replace the OCF dipole with almost anything else, 
especially if you are running power.  That type of antenna causes more 
RFI issues than almost any other type of antenna, save an end fed...

You made a comment about needing the power to get out, that might 
indicate an antenna issue, so maybe replacing the OCF with a good 
vertical and a decent radial field, or a dipole, up as high as possible, 
is in order here...

73s and thanks,

On 12/02/2017 02:50 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 12/2/2017 1:59 PM, Joe wrote:
>> I use coax as a feed, not twin lead.  Twin lead will not survive 100 
>> mph winds, which are common at my location.
> N6BV, retired ARRL Antenna Book and Handbook editor, wrote a great piece 
> that ran in QST about two years ago showing that even with coax, a choke 
> will fry very quickly when feeding an antenna not matched to the 
> feedline (that is, up in the air).
> 73, Jim K9YC
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