[RFI] RFI] [Shared Post] FCC Proposes Penalty for Marketing of Improperly Lab

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 06:10:13 EST 2017

>The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a penalty of $25,000 against a company for allegedly marketing radio frequency devices that was improperly labeled....
Further, even after learning of the oversight, the company continued
to market two of the ballast models for approximately six additional
months without the required labeling.<

I don't see a fix here; nowadays scofflaws blow off the FCC all the
time when they "propose a penalty."

$25,000 is probably petty cash to these guys.  An actual fine of $2.5
million with U.S. Marshals shutting them down until payment made is
more like it.  That might get some attention in the industry, or as I
have advocated for years, having FCC agents at all ports, randomly
testing cargo with the authority to turn an entire ship around and
back to China if any one item fails RFI laws here.   All they'd have
to do is send back a couple container ships and all those circuit
cards with empty holes where bypass caps and ferrite beads were meant
to go would start getting populated all the time instead of once for a
couple of test units.


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