[RFI] Any info on inverter or linear compressor refrigerators?

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Mon Feb 13 12:00:40 EST 2017

On 13 Feb 2017 at 15:32, JW wrote:

> Minor correction:
> The new ham band at 630 meters is slated to be 472 to 479 kHz.
> I am presently a Part 5 experimental licensee (WH2XQC) for this band. 
> At the time the new 630m band opens, an allocation for 135.7 to 137.8 kHz 
> (2,200 meters) is also quite likely to be part of the FCC's rule making, as
> comments and feedback have also been received on this proposal as well.
> de Jim WB5WPA

Yes. Thanks for the correction.

FYI, I have been heavily involved in "resurrecting" the old 600 meter band for at least that 
last 20 years. And I am one of those who are included in the experimental license WD2XSH.

I am number 24.

In fact, I began, support, and run the 600 Meter Research Group reflector at 
600MRG at w7ekb.com

To me, 450 kHz is the "center" of the old 600 meter band. Perhaps my last post was 
"spoken" half in jest, but the idea should have been clear: our LG washing machine causes 
significant interference in the old 600 meter band.

vy 73,


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