[RFI] RFI to GFCI Outlet

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Feb 20 15:13:42 EST 2017

The house I owned in Chicago is similar to yours, but built around 1890. 
I had most of it rewired, putting all AC in either steel conduit (EMT) 
or Greenfield (flexible steel tubing). I used GFCIs in the kitchen and 
bathrooms.  Don't recall the brand. One of them was always tripping. I 
had bought a bunch, and replaced it with one of the left-overs. That 
fixed it. So it was a bad one.

Lutron has a reputation of making dimmers that generate little if any RF 
noise, and word has it that they are pretty much aware of RFI. I'd try 
one of their outlets first.

73, Jim K9YC

On Mon,2/20/2017 10:35 AM, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
> During the DX contest this weekend,. One of the GFCI outlets in my house (2
> floors up and on the opposite side of the house), was friend by RF.

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