[RFI] Any RFI issues with Amana AMVC96 Furnace?

Dave Cole dave at nk7z.net
Fri Jul 7 18:54:27 EDT 2017

Hi again,

Be sure to define what no RFI means to the installer in a way you can 
test, and prove, and document how the test is to be made, and what the 
levels are to be under.

If I remember correctly, the wording I introduced into the contract was 
noise level not to exceed S4 on any frequency, using my existing 
antennas and radio, set up for SSB reception.

Frankly I am surprised they signed, but I told them it was show stopper 
if they did not.  I also told them I was willing to work with them in 
reducing RFI, and that they should contact the manufacture regarding 
RFI, PRIOR to bidding.

73s and thanks,

On 07/07/2017 10:11 AM, John Pelham wrote:
> Even some non-variable-speed setups can emit RFI. In 2010 I needed a new system, and specified no variable speed to the contractor. I got a Trane system that had a G.E. ECM (electronically commutated) motor in the inside air handler. It had three taps (the installer moves a jumper) to select three fixed speeds. There was RFI. I was able to fix it with #31 ferrites.
> But the best advice is from Dave, below: Get 'no RFI' in writing and don't trust a handshake.
> 73,
> John W1JA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Cole
> Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 12:50 PM
> To: rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Any RFI issues with Amana AMVC96 Furnace?
> I now monitor my RFI environment monthly using this method:
> http://nk7z.net/sdr-rfi-survey-p1/
> 73s and thanks,
> Dave
> NK7Z
> http://www.nk7z.net
> On 07/07/2017 09:29 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>> Dave has given good advice. I'll add that variable-speed motor
>> controllers are a well known cause of RFI.
>> 73, Jim K9YC
>> On 7/7/2017 9:13 AM, Dave Cole wrote:
>>> If it were me, I would not rely on past reports. manufactures change
>>> specs, change parts suppliers, etc...
>>> I told my heating company when I replaced my heater, that I did not
>>> care what they installed as long as it did not generate RFI, above a
>>> set level on my radio.
>>> I also had that written into the contract, and that if it did, they
>>> had two months to solve it, or replace the unit.
>>> This caused them to do their homework in advance of suggesting a unit
>>> to me.  We took S meter readings on all bands, and I gave them a
>>> copy.  I got a RFI quiet heater.  No variable speed fan. I'm OK with
>>> that.  As per the installers, it turns out most manufactures have a
>>> non variable speed option.
>>> Get it in writing!  Don't trust a handshake.
>>> 73s and thanks,
>>> Dave
>>> NK7Z
>>> http://www.nk7z.net
>>> On 07/07/2017 08:22 AM, George VE3YV wrote:
>>>> Time for a new furnace.  Does anyone have any RFI experience,
>>>> positive or negative, with an Amana variable 2-speed gas furnace?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> 73, George VE3YV / K8HI
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