[RFI] What I want for Christmas with regards to RFI

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Mon Jul 17 00:53:03 EDT 2017

If you look at the entire list of items and the Web
host maintenance - unless you are volunteering -
someone will have to take ownership, buy a domain,
build the Web site, etc.

He was also talking about a worldwide effort.

$100-$170 (minimum) may be pocket change for you
but for many Hams around the world, even in the USA,
spending that to dedicate to a project like this isn't.

And no, private & public entities working together
for a common good is quite common, it's nothing like
a political ad whatsoever.

DavidC KD4E

> On 7/16/2017 3:35 PM, qrv at kd4e.com wrote:
>> A possibly more likely scenario might be the ARRL
>> negotiating a steeply-discounted package price 
> The original SDRPlay RSP-1 goes out the door for $100. The newer RSP-2 
> sells for $170. It has more bells and whistles and is said to have a 
> "shielded layer inside the case." Software is free. I fail to see the 
> need for a "steeply discounted package price." The RSP-1 is more than 
> adequate for spectrum-snooping. Besides -- the folks who design, build, 
> and sell this stuff deserve to make a fair profit, and we want them to 
> still be in biz when we want support or when we want to buy more.
> Coalition of private and public entities? Sounds like a political ad. :)
> 73, Jim K9YC

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