[RFI] Common-Mode CHoke

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Jun 13 12:11:50 EDT 2017

On Tue,6/13/2017 8:33 AM, Kimberly Elmore wrote:
> I have a naive question: I've come into some FT-240 type 31 toroids. I'd like to make them into common mode chokes. I've read about the types that use 6-12 large toriods with 4-5 turns of coax as common mode chokes. Would 10 bifilar turns of 16 ga magnet wire (twisted to a couple of turns per inch so as to keep the two wires together and simplify he winding) through a single FT-240 work about as well? If not, why not?

Depending on the use, just as well or almost as well.  See (study)

k9yc.com/RFI-Ham.pdf  and http://k9yc.com/KillingReceiveNoise.pdf

which shows a bifilar-wound choke using #12 THHN or #12 magnet wire 
connected as a 2-wire transmission line. #16 is small if you're running 
high power, otherwise it's fine. Conductor gauge and spacing affects Zo 
of that 2-wire line. #12 and #14 magnet wire closely spaced results in 
about 50 ohms, THHN about 85-95 ohms. Jerry Sevick, W2FMI, published the 
first data I've seen on this, and I've confirmed those numbers in my lab 
to reasonable accuracy.

Note that the chokes with many cores stacked are for high power. More 
turns on fewer cores are fine for low(er) power.

73, Jim K9YC

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