[RFI] rfi from Ariss cable modem

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Mar 14 23:29:43 EDT 2017

On Tue,3/14/2017 5:27 PM, Jamie WW3S wrote:
> finally tracked down a source of RFI, its my Ariss catv/voip phone modem......its powered direct from the ac lines, coax input , phone and ethernet outputs......its not the digital switching noise (that’s there, can here it in my noise locator) the problem is the AC “buzz” coming from the line cord......ferrite, maybe?

The first move should always be multi-turn ferrite chokes on all the 
cables. Follow guidelines in http://k9yc.com/KillingRXNoisePPT.pdf and 

73, Jim K9YC

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