[RFI] New Larger Fair-Rite #31 Toroid

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Mar 26 19:22:58 EDT 2017

KY8D asked me about a new, larger #31 toroid that has recently been 
added to the catalog. It's 4-in o.d., 3-in i.d, and 1-inch long.


Note the impedance data for 1, 3, and 5 turns at the bottom of the page.

Gan's email arrived today (Sunday) so I haven't had the opportunity yet 
to investigate pricing. My guess is at least double the cost of the 
2.4-in toroid, but because it's twice the length (1-in as opposed to 
0.5-in for the 2.4-in toroid), a single core will likely be equivalent 
to two of the 2.4-in cores, so fewer cores will be required to achieve 
the same choking Z. More important, the much larger i.d. will allow more 
turns and/or larger coax.

73, Jim K9YC

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