[RFI] A "new" RFI

Ken, WA2LBI wa2lbi at gmail.com
Tue May 2 04:34:46 EDT 2017

Sounds like a defective starter in a street lamp.  
Sent from my S5

-------- Original message --------
From: "Kenneth G. Gordon" <kgordon2006 at frontier.com> 
Date: 5/2/17  01:21  (GMT-05:00) 
To: RFI at contesting.com 
Subject: [RFI] A "new" RFI 

So....I am sitting in front of the rig this evening, minding my own business, trying to do a little 
operating on 80, and BAM!!!, suddenly I have a +40 dB over S-9 noise level, sounding like 
an AC arc. 

Every once in a while, it suddenly stops completely for a second or two, then starts right 
back up again at the same level. Effecting all bands up through 20 meters so far. The "off" 
time doesn't even last long enough for the S meter on my FT-890 to drift down to normal.

Rats!!!!! :-(

It is too late tonight to do anything about it, but I'll have to start tracking it tomorrow...if it is 
still there.

I did turn off all the breakers in our home and it didn't go away.

I am NOT happy!!!

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