[RFI] 160m Noise

Larry Burke wi5a at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 5 15:05:00 EDT 2017

Thanks, Dave. Did that with no luck, unfortunately. That's not to say I
shouldn't try doing it again, but the first few efforts were futile. 

I forgot to mention in my original post that we have a very good noise team
at the public utility here. They work well with the amateur community and
have been out three times looking for this particular noise with no luck.
It's the first one they have not been able to find at this location and I
have called them many times. They're equipped with some good equipment and
are quite knowledgeable. Often, if the source is something simple like a
lightning arrestor, they fix it on the spot. 

- Larry K5RK

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Cole
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 12:01 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] 160m Noise

Go up as high as possible in frequency, and see if you can pick it up on a
portable rig...  If so, it is time to start driving the area.  Get a Google
map of your area, and print it out...  Once you have that, start marking
down the AM mode, S meter readings at many test points.

That will get you closer...  Move up in frequency if possible and
continue...  This will get you even closer...  Hopefully you will eventually
get close enough to hear it at VHF in AM mode, (think aircraft radio), and
get a small yagi...  Repeat the process until you find the house.

73s and thanks,

On 05/04/2017 06:06 PM, Larry Burke wrote:
> Looking for ideas for what the source of this noise might be:
> https://youtu.be/cyzTbAFo9zs
> The noise seems to start at the very high end of the AM broadcast band 
> and extend well into 160m. There doesn't appear to be any relationship 
> to day/night, 12-hr timer, temperature, rain, etc. It's pretty much 
> there 24/7 with brief reduction in amplitude (as seen in the video) from
time to time.
> I am able to narrow down the direction of the source using my 8-circle 
> receive array. Unfortunately that direction is directly into the 
> neighborhood across the highway from me as well as into a residential 
> pole line (although this doesn't seem line power line noise to me). 
> Near as I can tell the noise is confined to the 160m band +/-. I do 
> not hear it on other HF bands or VHF.
> The receiver used is an SDRPlay with SDRUno software in the AM mode.
> I apologize in advance for the poor quality of the video. It was taken 
> on the spur of the moment with my phone. I'm open to ideas for 
> improving video capture off my PC monitor as well.
> - Larry K5RK
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