[RFI] A source of RFI

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon May 29 14:16:32 EDT 2017

On Mon,5/29/2017 9:58 AM, Kenneth G. Gordon wrote:
>> Could be the monitor. In my case a new monitor caused considerable RFI.
> I think that is the case here. I am going to attack the problem from that end first.
Here's lots of practical advice on killing RX noise.


With your new shack computer, I suggest choking all the cables connected 
to it, starting with the cable between the computer and the monitor, the 
power cables, USB cables, etc.

An earth ground is vital for lightning safety, but does not matter for 
noise, nor does it make antennas work better (except for RX antennas 
that interact with soil to work). What DOES matter (a LOT) is proper and 
complete BONDING. Bonding is the interconnection of the chassis of every 
piece of equipment in your station, and the interconnection of that to 
every ground in your home/building. That bonding is also critical for 
lightning protection.

Proper grounding and bonding for ham radio is describe here.


The material in these two tutorials are, in large part, the basis for 
much of N0AX's new ARRL book on Grounding.

73, Jim K9YC

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