[RFI] Noise Cancellers - RFI Survival Guide

Tom Lewis n4tl2 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 11 08:39:51 EST 2017

Does anyone know if this works?
73 Tom N4TL 

Earlier this year, I published a series of articles on my web site called "Noise
Cancellers - RFI Survival Guide". The purpose of this information was to help hams and
shortwave listeners lower their local HF noise floor and improve reception.

RFI from neighbors is a constant challenge.  Properly set up, noise cancellers are
amazingly effective in cleaning up or reducing RFI. Sucesss depends on understanding what
kind of noise you can fight, how noise cancellers work, and most important, designing and
installing noise probe antennas around your location. This five-article series does just
that. It also includes a detailed video demonstrating effective noise cancellation.

Please take a moment to review these articles. If you find them to be useful, please
consider passing these along to your members or contacts.

You can use these articles by linking to them on your web site, Twitter feed, Facebook
page or by e-mail. The URL is:

Thanks for your consideration. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact

73 John Fallows VE6EY
Calgary, Alberta

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