[RFI] Growing RFI problem from SolarEdge systems

Randy Standke r55stan at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 00:02:18 EST 2017

I have two neighbors with SolarEdge systems.  I have had both phone calls
and emails with Ilan Yoscovich and Mr. Simpson at SolarEdge.  You'll get
lots of promises of how they will remove and reinstall every system that
causes problems to amateur radio.  But, they have done nothing since I first
contacted them in Februrary.  Endless excuses and delays.  And, they
continue to install high RFI systems today, when they have known for at
least two years how to install them with low RFI.  We need to keep the
pressure on them by filing complaints with the FCC and ARRL, and with
SolarEdge.  The only thing that will motivate SolarEdge to stop jamming the
amateur radio service is bad press from their customers when they receive
letters from the FCC that they are no longer allowed to turn on their
SolarEdge system.  What we have now are many RFI polluted neighborhoods,
thanks to SolarEdge.  What will this do to prospective new hams when they
have to choose between confronting their neighbors, or picking another
hobby?  Many will decide the HF bands are too trashed and drop the hobby.


Randy KQ6RS

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Cole (NK7Z)
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2017 6:59 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Growing RFI problem from SolarEdge systems

Good job!  I try as often as possible to involve the manufacture as well!

If it happens enough they will start paying attention to the issues at hand!

73s and thanks,

On 11/11/2017 04:58 PM, Tony wrote:
> All:
> My experience with Solar Edge has been dismal. It was only when I 
> threatened to file a complaint with the FCC did they finally make a 
> move. The RFI began the day their solar panel system was installed at 
> my neighbors home in August, 2016.
> After countless conversations between the installer and manufacture, I 
> sent an email to the CTO of Solar Edge, Ilan Yoscovich, stating that I 
> was going to file a formal complaint with the FCC. A few days later, I 
> received a phone call from a Mr. Simpson, their in-house RFI engineer, 
> who stated the problem will be fixed promptly.
> For those having issues with Solar Edge products, Mr. Simpson's number
> is: 510 498 3200 ext. 762
> His email address is: Tom.Simpson at solaredge.com. Tom handles all 
> SolarEdge RFI issues.
> Mr. Yoscovich, the CTO of SolarEdge, can be reached at: 
> Ilan.Yoscovich at solaredge.com
> For those who wish to see spectral screenshots of the solar panel RFI, 
> please contact me direct. The noise is a mix over carriers and other 
> interference spaced every 10 to 15 kHz apart.
> Tony -K2MO
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