[RFI] SO2R and 2nd harmonic

donovanf at starpower.net donovanf at starpower.net
Fri Sep 15 14:20:33 EDT 2017

Hi Jim, 

Your 1/2 mile RF flooding RFI experience is similar to mine. I've only 
been able to resolve a few RF flooding RFI cases from nearby homes. 
In each case the problem was a wall wart, especially Apple iPhone 
and iPad wall warts. 

One of the worst unresolvable problems is smoke detectors permanently 
connected to AC power wiring. I can correct them in my own home, 
but for obvious reasons not in neighboring homes. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> 
To: rfi at contesting.com 
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 6:05:32 PM 
Subject: Re: [RFI] SO2R and 2nd harmonic 


I don't view this as an "either-or" situation. That is, BOTH our own 
transmitters and these external non-linear distortion generators can be 
causing the problem. When both are present, BOTH proper stub design/good 
coax wiring AND finding/defeating the external non-linear distortion 
generator are required. 

It's the same old story of "peeling the onion" with multi-element 
problems. You fix one element, allowing you to hear the other underlying 
components that were obscured by the one you fixed. 

Using the contesting trailer documented in k9yc.com/7QP.pdf, we had no 
issues with harmonics when set up in the middle of nowhere, but DID have 
issues with external distortion sources when set up within a half mile 
or so of "civilization." 

73, Jim K9YC 

On 9/14/2017 10:13 AM, donovanf at starpower.net wrote: 
> Dave's reply is the only one that correctly addresses the problem 
> you described. You described your problem as " rise up floor noise 
> level about 60 khz on each side from main harmonic frequency." 
> Many contest stations -- including mine -- experience the exact 
> problem you describe, it has a name: "RF Flooding" Its caused 
> when a powerful RF signal penetrates a non-linear device that has: 
> - AC power or digital signals flowing though it, and 
> - is connected to wires that receive the powerful fundamental RF 
> signal and re-radiate broadband modulated harmonic RFI. 

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