[RFI] Solar Edge RFI Emissions

Dave Cole (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Mon Aug 13 13:08:48 EDT 2018

Hi Tom,

While I feel for you, I still have an ongoing RFI issue that was 
reported to ARRL two months ago, and started three or four months ago.

I have no access to 40-10 meters for most of the day.  These things take 
time.  The first month the FCC sends the first letter, the second month 
the FCC sends the second letter.

As per the person at the FCC if it continues after letter two, the FCC 
will contact the property owner.

I expect I will have this horrific RFI killing 40-10 meters for the next 
few months until things get corrected.  RFI takes time to fix...  I just 
wish it would move faster...

73s and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z/NNR0DC)
ARRL Technical Specialist

On 08/13/2018 08:48 AM, Tom Lizak wrote:
> Gang,
> I'm still waiting for the engineer/tech to show up as it has been two months
> since he said he will be over to take some measurements...sure glad that I
> did not hold my breath on that one !
> The birdie on 50.098MHz is an S9+15dB when yagi aimed at the perpetrators
> QTH...pretty much trashes the whole 6m band.  Yagi on 55' tower about 300
> feet from the house in question !  Now wondering if the installers actually
> used PVC instead of the metal conduit to run the wires !
> 73 y'all and good luck to those who are fighting this RFI issue from Solar
> Edge...
> Tom/K1TL...
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