[RFI] First Alert Wireless Smoke/CO Detectors

Gary Smith wa6fgi at steeltrails.net
Wed Dec 5 13:14:55 EST 2018

I have used Kidde brand and have had no problems with xmt/rcv issues 
with them.


On 12/4/2018 7:35 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> I have no experience with this company, but security/alarm products 
> and systems are notorious for being susceptible to RF.  If the units 
> are connected to wires or power, they are almost certain to be bad 
> news. If they run on batteries with NO wires connecting them to 
> anything, there's a chance that they're OK.
> The fundamental issue here is that they need wire to form an antenna 
> to radiate or receive RF.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> On 12/4/2018 7:09 PM, Ray Mikula wrote:
>> Does anyone have any experience with the Wireless First Alert Smoke/CO
>> detectors in regards to RFI?  This is the setup where you have multiple
>> smoke detectors and if one unit alarms a wireless signal is send via 
>> a mesh
>> network to trigger the alarm on all units.  My smoke alarms are a 
>> good bit
>> older than 10 years and it is time to replace.  The concept of one alarm
>> triggering all makes good sense to me unless they generate a bunch of 
>> nasty
>> RFI.
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