[RFI] was OTHR - 75 meter BUZZ yesterday from central PA

JW jwin95 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 10 14:13:15 EST 2018

More importantly, Tim, they used TDoA (time difference of arrival) KiwiSDRswhich have time-stamped data secured from our GPS system and drewequal-time hyperbolic lines/curves which would eventually intersect at a "source"

Note the location that was indicated, and, on more than one occasion duringthe time this was under study: a location in the US, in Pennsylvania, not tofar from an educational institution. 

de Jim WB5WPA

      From: Tim Duffy <k3lr at k3lr.com>
 To: rfi at contesting.com 
 Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 1:04 PM
 Subject: [RFI] was OTHR - 75 meter BUZZ yesterday from central PA
Take a look at the posts here:
Scroll to the last page – they used webSDRs to find it.
It is fixed now. 9 AM this morning someone shut it down.  Came from central
Was broadband 3.850 to 3.905 MHz
Tim K3LR

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