[RFI] Dishwasher RFI Video

David Eckhardt davearea51a at gmail.com
Sat Feb 3 12:43:40 EST 2018

I'll jump in here as I'd recommend you spend a bit less than $200 and buy
the AirSpy SDR.  The reason is that the AirSpy can be used as a very
capable spectrum analyzer that can cover roughly 20 MHz through 1.8 GHz in
a single sweep and down to 10 MHz in a single sweep.  The app comes free
with the SDR# download.  This makes it very easy to detect where the
maximum emission level is placed in the spectrum rather than just looking
in 8-MHz slices.  The AirSpy is a VERY good but economically priced SDR.
The 8-bit USB $12 dongles can not approach the performance of the AirSpy
line of SDR receivers.  They are pretty much on a par with SDR receivers of
2 to 3 years ago costing over $1k.  Spend the bucks.  You'll never be

No connection to AirSpy other than a very pleased user of the products.

Dave - WØLEV

On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 5:48 AM, Dave Cole (NK7Z) <dave at nk7z.net> wrote:

> What receiver is that and where do I get one?
> 73s and thanks,
> Dave
> NK7Z
> http://www.nk7z.net
> On 02/02/2018 05:04 PM, Tony wrote:
>> All:
>> I made a quick video of the Bosh diswhasher RFI (see below). There's
>> considerable noise on 160 through 17 meters and virtually no noise on the
>> 15, 12 and 10 meter bands.
>> See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHmO_GI8EtM
>> Tony -K2MO
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*Dave - WØLEV*
*Just Let Darwin Work*

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