[RFI] RFI every 15 KHz on 160 meters, suspect source is a manufacturing facility.

Hare, Ed W1RFI w1rfi at arrl.org
Mon Feb 5 12:09:49 EST 2018

That system would be a Class A Part-15 device, so would have to meet the higher industrial limits. Locally, ie near the motors, controller or wiring, I could well imagine a 50+ dB increase in noise from a "legal" device.  If that were 55 dB at a nearby Amateur antenna, it is possible that the system exceeded the Class A limits.


-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of David Eckhardt
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2018 12:50 PM
To: Cortland Richmond
Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI every 15 KHz on 160 meters, suspect source is a manufacturing facility.

Look for AC/AC or AC/DC switching converters.  I won't relate the story, but we had an incident where 208/3-phase was fed to several speed controllers on a large irrigation system (20-housepower AC motors).  The proper and required decoupling components were not bought and installed due to cost.  We experienced switching noises some 55 dB over baseline on a portable R&S spectrum analyzer.  Our emissions peaked right in the middle of the 40-meter band but were detectable to low VHF.  The controllers were from China with a storefront on the west coast - what else is new these days with no FCC enforcement.

Dave - WØLEV

On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 3:36 AM, Cortland Richmond <ka5s at earthlink.net>

> Great Don.
> On 2/2/18 8:28 PM, Don Kirk wrote:
>> Hi Cortland,
>> Thanks for the info.  I just constructed a 3" diameter loop (not 
>> tuned) using some pretty rigid RG58U, and will try it along with a 6" 
>> diameter tuned loop (adjustable between 20 and 30 MHz).  I have 
>> basically tracked the RFI down to a room, but the room is packed full 
>> of motor controls (numerous VFDs, etc.).  The 3" diameter loop 
>> appears to be working well with my SDR receiver based on some simple bench top testing I just did.
>> Thanks,
>> Don (wd8dsb)
>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 4:00 PM, Cortland Richmond 
>> <ka5s at earthlink.net>
>> wrote:
>> Hi, gents.  Cortland here, KA5S.
>>>   I had about a 30 year career in EMC engineering, and often had to 
>>> locate specific sources of EMI.
>>> A quite small loop will do very well if one is in close proximity to 
>>> the magnetic field of an emitter.  That is, there is a good deal of 
>>> utility in entering the near field very closely.
>>> You may remember the famous 3520 kHz television modems of some years ago.
>>> For those I tried using three antennas; a surplus EMC loop antenna 
>>> about
>>> 1
>>> m in diameter, ad un-tuned whip antenna, and about a 3 inch loop 
>>> antenna made by bending a piece of semi-rigid cable back on itself 
>>> and soldering the exposed center conductor at  the non-connectorized 
>>> end to the outside of the shield near the connector.
>>> This last was unbalanced, but its small wavelength aperture made it 
>>> good almost through VHF.
>>> At 80M,  on a handheld receiver, it could accurately lead me to the 
>>> exact room one of those modems was radiating from.
>>> Much smaller loops can be constructed on the open end of a single 
>>> piece of coax, and can follow individual traces on a PWB – but that 
>>> is beyond the scope of this discussion.
>>> Good luck!
>>> Cortland
>>> ka5s
>>> On 2/2/18 2:32 PM, Don Kirk wrote:
>>> Hi Dave and gang,
>>>> I totally agree on the smaller loop, but I believe what is also 
>>>> important is to factor in the implications of being in the near 
>>>> field.  That's why I think going to a much higher frequency would 
>>>> be very beneficial (get out of the near field as much as possible, 
>>>> but we will see).
>>>> Stay tuned (no pun intended).
>>>> Don (wd8dsb)
>>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 1:51 PM, Dave Cole (NK7Z) <dave at nk7z.net> wrote:
>>>> I would try a a much smaller mag loop, like a foot in diameter.  I 
>>>> have
>>>>> used a 6 inch loop in some cases, they are still sort of directional.
>>>>> Add a
>>>>> ferrite on the coax at the feed point.  I have one loop that is 
>>>>> about an inch in diameter, I use it seldom, but it is handy when 
>>>>> needed.
>>>>> I also have a small probe I built out of a piece of coax, I just 
>>>>> cut the shield back 3 inches, used dollop of liquid electrical 
>>>>> tape on the end of the center conductor for insulation, and then I 
>>>>> probe around...
>>>>> 73s and thanks,
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> NK7Z
>>>>> http://www.nk7z.net
>>>>> On 02/02/2018 10:20 AM, Don Kirk wrote:
>>>>>     Quick follow up on my locating the source of the repeating 15 
>>>>> KHz
>>>>>> signal
>>>>>> (actually 15.6 KHz).
>>>>>> Today I met with the suspect facilities machine controls engineer 
>>>>>> that just happens to be an inactive but still licensed ham (turns 
>>>>>> out we also have mutual friends in the machine controls world).
>>>>>> I first walked around the entire perimeter of the building 
>>>>>> (outside in very cold temperatures) using my portable SDR system, 
>>>>>> and was able to determine that the source of the interference is 
>>>>>> located near the west central part of the building where there 
>>>>>> are several water cooling towers as well as material storage 
>>>>>> silos.  The signal is indeed cyclic but still need to see how 
>>>>>> repeatable the cycle is (typically on for about 20 minutes and 
>>>>>> then off for about 20 minutes).  Inside the west wall there are a 
>>>>>> bunch of facilities related equipment (pumps, variable speed 
>>>>>> drives, etc.).
>>>>>> Unfortunately my 160 meter tuned loop is useless when in so close 
>>>>>> to the source, and we were not able to determine the actual 
>>>>>> source in the allotted time we had today.  With the SDR receiver 
>>>>>> gain set at 0, the signal was still near full scale when in close 
>>>>>> to the source (it appears we have the source nailed down to about 
>>>>>> a 50 foot by 25 foot area, but there is a ton of motor controls 
>>>>>> equipment in this small area as well as metal building structure 
>>>>>> that likely is confounding our DFing).
>>>>>> We are now going provide my vehicle description, name, etc. to 
>>>>>> the security department that patrols the grounds of this facility 
>>>>>> so they know I have permission to be on the property 24 hours a 
>>>>>> day 7 days a week.  I'm going to obtain more data on the cyclic 
>>>>>> nature of the interference (to see if it provides any clues), and 
>>>>>> also evaluate capturing the signal at much higher frequencies 
>>>>>> (determine what the highest frequency is that I can still capture 
>>>>>> the signal), and then build a DF antenna for the higher frequency 
>>>>>> to help pinpoint the source when in close.  After I obtain more 
>>>>>> data from outside the building and develop a better antenna for 
>>>>>> in close DFing, I will then go back into the building to continue 
>>>>>> our in close DFing (as time permits).
>>>>>> My portable SDR system consists of a Dell laptop, NooElec SDR 
>>>>>> dongle, and ham it up converter (stuck to the back of the laptop 
>>>>>> screen using double stick tape).  The SDR dongle and ham it up 
>>>>>> converter are powered via the laptop USB ports which makes it 
>>>>>> very convenient.  I just plug my DF antenna into the ham it up 
>>>>>> converter and adjust the SDR dongle gain as needed (via the 
>>>>>> SDRSharp software I'm using).
>>>>>> Just FYI,
>>>>>> Don (wd8dsb)
>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 9:15 AM, Don Kirk <wd8dsb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Yesterday I tracked down RFI that has been bothering me on 160 
>>>>>> meters for
>>>>>> the past year.  The source was a little hard to find because it's 
>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> always on.  I finally had to use my SDR dongle with Ham it up 
>>>>>>> converter in the car with my small tuned loop to track down the 
>>>>>>> source of the interference (in order to make sure what I was 
>>>>>>> seeing at home was what I was actually tracking).  The suspect 
>>>>>>> source is 0.75 miles from my house.
>>>>>>> Here is a link to a video showing my efforts to date.
>>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKf1EWTV8xs
>>>>>>> Today I will contact the manufacturing facility that I tracked 
>>>>>>> the RFI down to in order to take the next step with them.
>>>>>>> I will report the actual source of the RFI as soon as it's 
>>>>>>> determined which might take some time (usually takes time to 
>>>>>>> establish a good working relationship with the suspect property 
>>>>>>> owner).  Based on past experience it sure looks like a variable 
>>>>>>> speed drive, but in order to keep an open mind I try not to 
>>>>>>> guess ahead of time.
>>>>>>> Just FYI,
>>>>>>> Don (wd8dsb)
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*Dave - WØLEV*
*Just Let Darwin Work*
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