[RFI] Lighting grow cycle of Pot...
Dave Cole (NK7Z)
dave at nk7z.net
Thu Feb 22 23:36:58 EST 2018
Hi Joe,
You are 100% correct, and that is what bothers me about my approach, it
does leave the grower knowing who is involved...
However, if the grower is shut down, and angry, and really wants to know
who complained he can find out anyway... If anything goes to court, all
becomes public knowledge, and not all cities protect privacy.
The ARRL has come closest to being able to disconnect the ham from the
grower with their filing of complaints to the FCC, for the ham.
I find myself in that exact position today... Do I contact the grower,
and try and stop it, or do I just ask the FCC via the ARRL to stop it?
From what I hear of late, if the grower does not respond, nothing much
more happens via the FCC route, so if the FCC fails, I am done, and have
to live with the RFI. That is why I take the work with the grower view...
Shifting subjects...
You have however hit upon my primary beef with the FCC, the lack of
active enforcement is putting me, (and you when your RFI time comes),
in the position of having to choose between putting myself, (or
yourself), in a bit of danger, or loosing our hobby.
Had the FCC enforced things vigorously I don't think it would be as bad
as it is today. I realize that at some point I am going to meet a
grower that is seriously ticked off! That both worries me, and scares
me a bit.
Hell-- the ARRL handed the FCC an almost perfect case against Home
Depot, and as far as I know nothing was ever done by the FCC, no fines
levied, no investigation, nothing, not even a letter from the FCC. Thus
"Part 18" lights were, (and for all I know still are), being sold to the
general public for installation in residential areas...
I believe the FCC is directly responsible for putting each of us in this
position for their lack of active enforcement...
Levy a few hundred $10,000 fines against the sellers and importers of
these lights and less of them would be sold. The word would spread fast
that RFI generating lights a not a good idea. There are perfectly
acceptable RFI quiet lights available today. It just costs money.
This situation both irritates and angers me greatly... But... One works
with what one has available-- rolling the die and hoping to win just one
more time... I shut my eyes each time I do this-- and hand them the
paperwork hoping that I don't get shot. This will number five in three
years... It only takes one time to be wrong.
It is a sad position to put an Amateur Radio operator in, contacting a
known law breaker, while trying to ameliorate the illegal RFI caused by
an illegal grow operation for a legal and licensed hobby, which serves
the public. We all should be mad as hell at the FCC for this...
Oh by the way, the FCC is now talking about receivers accepting
73s and thanks,
On 02/22/2018 05:53 PM, Joe wrote:
> I'd check with the city BEFORE contacting the grower.
> Because if you contact him first and have no results, then go to the
> city and the city shuts him down and he looses his income, guess who he
> will possibly get even with?
> Whereas if the city does it first he doesn't know anything about you.
> Joe WB9SBD
> Sig
> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
> Idle Tyme
> Idle-Tyme.com
> http://www.idle-tyme.com
> On 2/22/2018 5:09 PM, Dave Cole (NK7Z) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'll check that out, and thank you. I will keep that as a backup plan
>> in the event the person is non-cooperative.
>> I want to handle this in as friendly manor as possible, as opposed to
>> threats. But-- if the person stubborns up, that will change my
>> approach. I simply will not give up my hobby.
>> So far I have never had to request an FCC letter for a grower. The
>> problem here in Eugene has been the non growers!
>> One person sheet rocked in a power supply, (outlet and all), for one
>> of those cheap halogen under counter lights for the new Bar he built.
>> He then claimed he could not fix the problem because he could not get
>> to the wall wart. That got a request sent to the FCC for a letter by
>> me, and when the letter came to him, the problem got fixed. It was
>> giving me 40 over 9 RFI on 80, 40, and 30 Meters.
>> Fortunately the growers here are all pretty laid back here...
>> Hopefully this new one will be as well. I do however like to have my
>> ducks in a row first though, so thank you again for that tip.
>> 73s and thanks,
>> Dave
>> NK7Z
>> https://www.nk7z.net
>> On 02/22/2018 02:07 PM, Mike Kirkland wrote:
>>> You can likely get the city to shut the whole thing down as
>>> commercial grow operations are generally not permitted in residential
>>> areas. Call your City's local zoning department.
>>> On Feb 21, 2018 4:23 PM, "Dave Cole (NK7Z)" <dave at nk7z.net
>>> <mailto:dave at nk7z.net>> wrote:
>>> Thanks to all for the education on pot lighting! :)
>>> I will be handing the grower the packet sometime this week...
>>> Hopefully the grower will proceed in the spirit of the handout,
>>> which is friendly, firm, but not demanding. If you are interested,
>>> the full color handout in all it's beauty is located at:
>>> http://valleyradioclub.org/rfi.html
>>> <http://valleyradioclub.org/rfi.html>
>>> at the bottom in the links section. The ARRL has a fillable form of
>>> the same text at:
>>> http://www.arrl.org/information-for-the-neighbors-of-hams
>>> <http://www.arrl.org/information-for-the-neighbors-of-hams>
>>> but it is not as pretty as mine! :)
>>> I am developing a handout that can be given to all the pot shops in
>>> the area, in hopes they will pass to their growers explaining what
>>> RFI is and why they want it gone... I suspect once the growers
>>> realize it takes about 10 minutes to locate them, they will want to
>>> get on the band wagon for quietness...
>>> I need to get it developed, then have a lawyer review it for
>>> liability issues, then redo it until the lawyer is happy... Once
>>> that is done, I will post it on line.
>>> 73s and thanks,
>>> Dave
>>> NK7Z
>>> https://www.nk7z.net
>>> On 02/21/2018 04:10 PM, Bob Riese wrote:
>>> shorter light time promotes budding
>>> Bob
>>> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 11:40 AM, Tom Thompson
>>> <w0ivj at tomthompson.com <mailto:w0ivj at tomthompson.com>
>>> <mailto:w0ivj at tomthompson.com <mailto:w0ivj at tomthompson.com>>>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dave,
>>> From what have observed, the lights are on continually for
>>> about
>>> two weeks and then a 12 hours on / 12 hours off until
>>> harvest which
>>> can take a number of months. Depending on the setup, the
>>> lights are
>>> off for a week or so while a new crop is planted, and then
>>> the cycle
>>> repeats. To get the latest, just google cannabis grow
>>> cycle. See:
>>> https://www.leafly.com/news/growing/marijuana-plant-growth-stages
>>> <https://www.leafly.com/news/growing/marijuana-plant-growth-stages>
>>> <https://www.leafly.com/news/growing/marijuana-plant-growth-stages
>>> <https://www.leafly.com/news/growing/marijuana-plant-growth-stages>>
>>> 73, Tom W0IVJ
>>> On 2/21/2018 7:11 AM, Dave Cole (NK7Z) wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Can someone refresh my memory here... I believe
>>> there is a
>>> cycle of light timing pot growers use on something like
>>> a 12 or
>>> 13 weeks period where they go from 18 hours of light to
>>> 12 hours
>>> of light... Does someone know what this cycle is,
>>> and why?
>>> I ask because my RFI has taken a turn for the worse, 12
>>> weeks
>>> after it started...
>>> Yesterday, it changed from a 12:45 AM start time and a
>>> 6:45 PM
>>> end time, to a 6:45 PM to 12:45 PM the next day end
>>> time. This
>>> followed a few days of no RFI. I suspect harvest time
>>> is upon
>>> the grower causing RFI, and I want to avoid handing
>>> him his
>>> "Welcome" packet during harvest as there will probably
>>> be lots
>>> of people there...
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