[RFI] New Dishwasher - Bosch

Charlie@thegallos.com charlie at thegallos.com
Fri Jan 26 13:16:39 EST 2018

Would love a photo.

73 de KG2V

On Jan 26, 2018, at 12:29 PM, Kenneth G. Gordon <kgordon2006 at frontier.com> wrote:

>>> On 1/25/2018 8:59 PM, Bert wrote:
>>> I've had a Bosch dishwasher for a few years and not a peep. The wife 
>>> is happy and so am I!!
> We have owned a Bosch dishwasher here, too, for a couple of years. Totally silent RFI 
> wise, and the Wife just loves it. Very quiet operation too.
> Does an excellent job of cleaning the dishes.
> Has two common "issues". 1) the handle that you use to open the door is simply a piece of 
> unreinforced plastic, and will break after a while. Costs $80 and a good hour to replace. I 
> fixed ours by mounting a black "screen-door" handle horizontally to the front just above the 
> plastic handle. I used self-drilling sheet black sheet-metal screws, about 2" long. There is a 
> clear area just there with steel behind it. Looks factory and works prefectly.
> I can send you a photo if you are interested.
> 2) if the seal at the bottom of the door is allowed to get crap built up on it, it will leak. Takes 
> 15 minutes to clean it.
> But RFI wise, there isn't any.
> Ken W7EKB
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