[RFI] FCC Compliance and Enforcement
Ed K0iL
eddieedwards at centurylink.net
Sat Jul 7 19:44:30 EDT 2018
Remember the old days when the old TV sets had no filtering and the ham
causing the interference had to cease operations during prime time TV hours
until the problem was resolved? Ever wonder why the FCC didn't force all
TVs to be properly filtered to not be susceptible to out-of-band RF signals?
Simple. It's money.
The cost to properly redesign and filtering all the TV sets would've cost
much more than adding individual high-pass filters only where needed making
that a much lower costs because not every TV set sits next to a ham station.
This is the same issue in reverse. FCC will never force solar power vendors
to redesign and add costly filters to every solar system when fewer than
0.1% of them will be installed near a ham radio operator's station.
Problem is, this will eventually kill most mobile HF operation in cities.
Best we can hope for is to have the FCC send threatening "shutdown" letters
to the vendors every time a new system is installed next to a ham radio
One thing we can do before that might help; contact all our nearby neighbors
(if ham friendly) and discuss this issue of solar RFI with them before they
purchase a new system. Ask if they could include you in the initial
discussions with the vendor so the proper equipment is installed up front or
shut off until RFI is resolved. I know this isn't an easy solution, but the
alternative is an RFI battle that could be prolonged every time a new system
is installed.
It's time for another cul-de-sac barbeque on Larimore Circle!
73, de ed -K0iL
-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of qrv at kd4e.com
I'm guessing that if you have that FCC letter in-hand you can go to
your congressman's constituent service representative & ask that the
congressman ask the FCC why they've failed to follow-up.
Bureaucrats hate that sort of exposure.
If neither follows through then turn the story over to the media -
the context is "Why does the FCC refuse to do its job?" And "Why
won't my congressman/woman do his/hers?"
Protecting citizens from predatory/scofflaw corporations is a
legitimate activity of government.
> In contrast, the FCC has notified solar panel manufacturer Solar Edge
> about their solar panel systems causing interference to a ham radio
> operator who belongs to this reflector. They have not complied, they
> were not given a fine and they continue to install those components
> nation-wide knowing that they cause interference.
> The cause and effect in both cases are similar in that the responsible
> parties who have control over their actions are told to comply yet they
> fail to do so. Maybe someone can shed some light on this with fact-based
> information?
> Tony -K2MO
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