[RFI] Solar System Electronics

Dave Cole (NK7Z) dave at nk7z.net
Mon Jul 9 12:59:49 EDT 2018

Your best bet is to visit a working system that will be installed 
EXACTLY as your system will be with an FT-817, or such.

Remember parts change, vendors source parts from different locations all 
the time, some devices are better than others, you get the picture...

If possible build RFI suppression into the contract, and set a date that 
it has to be done by.

One company I know that actually cares about RFI, (at least today), is 
Grape Solar.  One of their engineers contacted me to assist in 
de-noising two of their solar PV systems last week, and it was 
PROACTIVE, not reactive.  They wanted a plan that works, on hand in the 
event of complaints!  It was refreshing to see...  I have another visit 
coming up to assist in testing the filter the put together.

They did a presentation at my club and the engineer had cobbled together 
some filtering and wanted to retest for RFI!  He sounds like he is 
headed for obtaining his ham ticket soon!

I helped them as much as I could, (got a bunch of RFI out of their setup 
with ferrite, and twisted cabling), then did a referral to a fellow Jim, 
(K9YC), suggested.  I also shot them and the ARRL lab staff a letter of 
introduction.  So some companies actually care...  Bring it up to your 
vendor in advance.

73s and thanks,

On 07/09/2018 09:40 AM, Riki, K7NJ wrote:
> I'm considering installing a Solar system and am concerned about equipment
> (e.g. grid-tie inverter, charge controller, etc.)  that is not compatible
> with amateur radio - either causing RFI, or susceptible to interference from
> my transmitter.  Comments about equipment that is known to be OK or
> problematical would be appreciated.
> 73,
> Riki, K7NJ
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