[RFI] Smoke Detectors Beeping

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Sat Jul 28 09:43:15 EDT 2018

It is likely that the majority of the problem is feedline radiation. I
would work on that first.  What performance advantage does an OCF have
over a center fed 1/2 dipole or multiple dipoles in a fan?  The OCF can
have deep nulls on some bands.

John KK9A

To:	"Wes Attaway (N5WA)" <wesattaway at bellsouth.net>
Subject:	Re: [RFI] Smoke Detectors Beeping
From:	Stan Zawrotny <k4sbz.stan at gmail.com>


 I am aware of my options for antennas - fan dipoles, slopers, G5RV, EFHW
antennas, etc. - some with less RFI, but I choose OCF dipoles for their

I think I have read almost every article and blog written on-line about
feed systems. I am getting desperate.

Thanks for your recommendation for the  BRK, Model 41208.  I will check
them out.


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