[RFI] Noisy LED shop lights

John K9UWA john at johnjeanantiqueradio.com
Thu Jun 14 12:32:20 EDT 2018

Sunco also offers the 48" bulbs for replacement into existing fixtures. 


These are DIRECT WIRE bulbs. In other words remove the ballast and 
throw it away. In many cases the ballasts make noise and as they get older 
they make more noise. It takes about 10 minutes to remove the ballast and 
rewire the fixture for direct 120vac to the bulbs. 

Caution there are also other companies who make these Direct Wire bulbs 
but they themselves cause RFI. The key is that all of the bulbs have a built 
in switcher supply and some of the companies have cut the corners with that 
part of their product... no filtering 

For the last couple years I have been buying a 48" Direct Wire Bulb made by  
ThinkLux and they to are nice and quiet. But the last couple times I went 
looking to buy more of them everyone was out of that bulb. 

In this house alone between the workshop garage kitchen and some indirect 
lighting fixtures I had over 40 of these 48" 4 foot bulbs I replaced. That 
brought the RFI noise down a considerable amount between the ballasts 
being removed and the new no noise LED direct wire bulbs. 

John k9uwa

>  solved the RFI from shop lights.  I took the noise makers down boxed them up
>  and returned and told them these lights interfered with my shortwave radio.  
> Then ordered four more of the SuncoTMs.  
> Dale, K9VUJ
> On 13, Jun 2018, at 14:30, Mike King - KM0T <scsueepe at mtcnet.net> wrote:
> Great to hear, no pun intended.  I have 18 in one large garage and 6 in an
> other, I too am glad they are quiet...
> 73
> Mike - KM0T

John Goller, K9UWA & Jean Goller, N9PXF 
Antique Radio Restorations
k9uwa at arrl.net
Visit our Web Site at:
4836 Ranch Road
Leo, IN 46765

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