[RFI] Noisy LED shop lights

Charles Gallo charlie at thegallos.com
Thu Jun 14 17:01:18 EDT 2018

On Thu, June 14, 2018 3:09 pm, Dennis Monticelli wrote:
> Charles,
> I think I said that:  "along with a series resistor to set the current."
> The more resistor drop the more current regulation.  The current does not
> need to be perfectly constant.  Having said that an LM317HV with a heat
> sink (probably need the HV version) is a better solution.
> Probably moot anyway.  If direct radiation is the issue I think most hams
>  would just get rid of the lamp and buy a recommended quiet one.
> Dennis AE6C

Problem is (at least in say LED flashlights, where I learned this from a
friend), the internal resistance is variable enough that using a current
limiting resistor makes it show a fairly high lumen output difference from
hot to cold, so just a current limit resistor was "problematic", but that
might be because at the time, we were driving the LEDs HARD, like right
near their max current, you know, like up near 3 amps!  Thermal runaway
was a real issue

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