[RFI] RFI from variable speed swimming pool pumps

James Jordan k4qpl2 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 21:08:06 EDT 2018

I’ve heard variable speed HVAC units sometimes cause RFI. Does anyone have
experience or knowledge about variable speed pool pumps? Specific model I’m
looking at is Energy efficient Pentair VS Intelliflow 1.5HP equivalent to
replace a power hog single speed at our VP5 property, but I don’t want to
end up with a noise problem.
My antennas are about 60' from the pump location and the SteppIR aims in
its direction.

Because the various speeds are user adjustable, would varying the speed
change the position of any spurs to a less critical frequency? Other ideas?

Jim, K4QPL; VP5M

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