[RFI] Keyboard

Joe nss at mwt.net
Sat Mar 3 10:24:12 EST 2018

Is RF getting into a keyboard issue OK here, it is RFI in a way..

OK, Say you get RF into a USB keyboard. It just stops working and the 
only way to get it working again is a total re-boot.

I'm assuming the best option is ferrite beads on the cable.

Now question, where is the best placement of the beads. Keyboard end? 
Computer end?  BOTH?

I have two here, a small one where I could get one or two passes through 
the hole. ( it is a Radio Shack split thing )

and then a much larger one, also split,, but the hole is close to a inch 
ID. so I could do many turns.

What would be best to put where?

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