[RFI] RFI-quiet front loading washer?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri May 11 14:37:58 EDT 2018

YES, YES, YES!  There's a lot of noise finding and noise killing advice 
in http://k9yc.com/KillingReceiveNoise.pdf and 

73, Jim K9YC

On 5/11/2018 10:55 AM, John K9UWA wrote:
> YES YES and YES. Do yourselves a favor and do a walkabout your house
> with a simple old transistor radio. Put it on a frequency up near the top end
> of the AM Band where you don't hear any station. Best is if the transistor
> radio has a whip antenna. Now walkabout your house and place that whip
> antenna near all electrical devices. Wall Warts, Monitors, Computers Light
> switches, Washers Dryers, Dishwashers, Your Furnace and AC system,
> Lights, Low Voltage lights.
> Once you add up all that noise trust me it does get to your ANTENNAS.

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