[RFI] Solar Panel Manufacture Schedules Fix For Solar Panel RFI

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Thu May 17 00:53:33 EDT 2018

"PVC conduit does nothing, and twisting kills only the differential 
component. Only steel conduit provides shielding. And where it leaves 
the shielded partition, there must be a common mode choke."

I see PVC as water pipe, although I do see it used in electrical, 
personally, I don't care for it, I've seen too much of it broken.  I 
planned to use EMT.  I'll take you information and run with it.

I have replaced most of the lights in the house with LED bulbs.  So far, 
the only place I have heard RFI is in the FM broadcast band, in FM mode 
receivers, which being out in the desert, and FM stations being weak, is 
an actual problem.  The noise rolls off, but is still noticeable in the 
VHF Airband, in AM, so I need to figure out how to eliminate VHF RFI in 
the AC circuits, which carry the RFI throughout the house, and allows it 
to radiate for a few feet from the wiring.

I played with clamp-on ferrite for VHF, with minimal success, and also 
played with various power-line filters, for various portions of the 
spectrum, in each case, those made things worse.  For example, an LED 
bulb on a line-cord, RFI to a certain degree.  An LED bulb, then filter 
at the bulb, then line-cord, RFI increased many times over in strength.



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