[RFI] Inverter suggestion

Gary Smith Gary at ka1j.com
Sun Nov 4 15:11:58 EST 2018

Heh, you caught my mis-speak. I was 
sitting at lunch with some friends at an 
Indian restaurant just a bit ago on 
reflection, realized I worded that 

The inverter is to run my station's 120V 
needs & the computer, the K3 and the 
rigrunner powerpole. All are connected to 
the deep cycle battery. The IOTA 
DLS-55/IQ4 power supply is also connected 
to the battery to keep it constantly 
charged. This way, only one wall outlet is 
needed for all the station's needs.

So the K3 is powered by the battery but 
also in contact with the inverter's input.



> On 11/4/2018 9:21 AM, Gary Smith wrote:
> > I will be powering my K3s
> > with this so RFI is a major concern.
> Elecraft rigs, including the K3S, run on 12-14VDC. Why an inverter to
> run them?
> 73, Jim K9YC
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