[RFI] Non-switching wall warts availability?

Sandro D'Onofrio sandro at i7ale.com
Mon Nov 26 14:21:27 EST 2018

How does one know that a brand is a “rebrandedChinese” brand?
(I am learning a lot in this group, both electronically and not)

Sandro, i7ALE

From: David Eckhardt 
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 8:06 PM
To: Gary Smith 
Cc: Rfi List 
Subject: Re: [RFI] Non-switching wall warts availability?

........  WITH LOVE, FROM CHINA   ......

Dave - WØLEV

PS:  So far, I've/we have had good luck with Amazon, but we've always
bought reputable brands - no Chinese brands or rebranded Chinese brands.

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