[RFI] Non-switching wall warts availability?

Gary Smith wa6fgi at steeltrails.net
Tue Nov 27 13:17:26 EST 2018

Learned something new here, great list !! Opened my eyes to what I 
already knew, and yup, it makes sense.


On 11/26/2018 4:44 PM, Edward Mccann via RFI wrote:
> Andy:
> Keep in mind a linear wall wart will offer transformation to the lower voltage from a specific voltage input: think transformer winding ratio.
> If it’s 110/115 VAC in and 12 V out, you’ve landed a transformer/based linear power supply.
> If you are offered a wide range of voltage in, say 110-240 VAC and 12 V out you have a switching power supply.
> The only exception I have seen is on travel adapters where there is a specific input voltage selector switch, changing the taps on the primary transformer.
> Hope this helps.
> And do read K9YC’s writings on the subject. He’s spot-on in his observations and recommendations.
> Ed
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 26, 2018, at 8:57 AM, Aly Badawy (callsign: AL0Y) <aly at al0y.com> wrote:
>> If you read the questions and answers of the amazon page for the item you sent, you will notice the seller has posted a link to the 12v version to someone who was asking for a 12v one.  Here is the 12v version: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073F51QPY?m=A2G2V645G57K3Y&ref_=v_sp_detail_page&th=1 However, I need to say, I only copied and pasted the link from the page you posted below. I have no experience using any of the mentioned products and can't recommend any of them.  Aly Badawy (AL0Y) District Emergency Coordinator (Passaic County, NJ) Amateur Radio Emergency Service ARRL Official Relay station NNJ Section, Hudson Division RRI Registered Operator AL0Y at AL0Y.#NNJ.NJ.USA.NOAM  MeshPhone: 973-3301 | Cell: (862)276-8263 aly at al0y.com | http://al0y.com ---- On Mon, 26 Nov 2018 11:49:26 -0500 Andy KU7T <ku7t at ku7t.org> wrote ---- Hi, I walked around my house with an AM radio and am not pleased. I would like to replace all switching power supplies with the non-switching kind, everywhere in my house. I found this 5V one: https://www.amazon.com/IBERLS-Regulated-Transformer-Controller-Nextbook/dp/B0745BZV6T/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1543249886&sr=8-4&keywords=power+supply+5v It states “regulated” and not “switching”. Also, I can see a transformer on one of the pictures. I am looking for a 12 V one. Anyone have recommendations? Thanks, Andy KU7T Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10 _______________________________________________ RFI mailing list RFI at contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rfi
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