[RFI] Hybrid Car RFI

Gary Smith wa6fgi at steeltrails.net
Fri Nov 30 16:21:52 EST 2018

My 2011 prius was silent as a stone,

Contacted Toyota, they told me where to run the coax and power cables 
for my Icom ID-5100.

Run them on the right side of the car in the trough(its underneath the 
passenger step-in sill) that contains the windshield washer tubing and 
other stuff.

You will have to unsnap the plastic cover, makes a terrible screech when 
you remove it,

As you do  the install, you will come to the conclusion the entire car 
save for a few parts is like a giant snap-together-kit kind of like 
Mattel made toys.


On 11/29/2018 7:57 PM, Riki, K7NJ wrote:
> I am considering purchasing a hybrid car, but hesitate because of possible
> RFI between my mobile station (HF/VHF/UHF) and the automotive electrical
> system and electronics . Concern is in both directions - received noise, and
> susceptibility of the car to RFI from my ham equipment. My interest is
> general, but I'm especially interested in Toyota hybrid vehicles. If anybody
> knows of problems (or lack of problems) with amateur radio installations in
> hybrid vehicles, I would appreciate knowing what has been learned.
> 73, Riki, K7NJ
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