[RFI] SO2R 2nd Harmonic Interference

Randall K Martin rkmassoc at comcast.net
Sat Sep 29 18:55:45 EDT 2018

Grant, Thanks for the recommendation of Battery MINDer products.

Jim, thanks for your input. I did find a transformer type wall wart with 
same specs as his charger (12V 750 ma). I was going to swap it out, but 
noticed that his "bad" charger actually has some smarts in it that cut 
the charge off once the battery is fully charged. So it isn't a simple 
trickle charger. I can't honestly tell him I am giving him the same 
functionality if I splice in my power supply.

I will see if I can find a battery minder locally and try it as a 
replacement. Will tell the store owner my requirement that it be RFI 
quiet and be sure they will take it back if it is defective.

Case closed for now.

73 Randy K0EU

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