[RFI] RESEND - Fw: [PVRC] Help me identify my new RFI

JW jwin95 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 6 17:14:12 EST 2019

 Sounds like an AC line arc. 

Sounds like some I have tracked down here locally, Eric.

de AA5CT

     On Friday, December 6, 2019, 3:31:12 PM CST, Eric Rosenberg <ericrosenberg.dc at gmail.com> wrote:  
 This may not have made it through the first time.


My good friend Tm Shoppa, N3QE has run into a vexing RFI issue.

He posed the  following on the PVRC reflector, but is not on the RFI 

Please feel free to respond directly to Tim.

Thanks & 73,
Eric W3DQ

------ Forwarded Message ------
From: "Tim Shoppa via PVRC"
Sent: 12/6/2019 3:18:35 PM
Subject: [PVRC] Help me identify my new RFI

In the past week a brand new 24x7 noise source came out of nowhere. 
Clearly audible all over my neighborhood under every power line 540kHz - 

Recording made on 1.8MHz with receiver in 2400Hz bandwidth AM:  

Heard in AM, this not simple 120Hz impulse noise but shows strong 
800Hz-1200Hz  audio component interrupted at 120Hz. Waveform picture of 
the above audio sample shown below (not attached).

Any ideas?

Tim N3QE
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