[RFI] Light Dimmer

ve3yv at pathcom.com ve3yv at pathcom.com
Tue Dec 10 16:35:06 EST 2019

FWIW - my experience:  incandesent dimmers don't always work on LED bulbs -
dimmable or otherwise.  I also discovered that not all LED dimmers are
equal.  In this case, I installed LED pot lights and they recommended a
Luxton dimmer.  I bought another brand at a big box and it was toast in
under 2 weeks (total load 140 wts on a 600 wt rating).  Went to electrical
supply house to get recommended after consulting with manufactuer support.
Now at 1 year +.  There are some intersting articles about leading v.
trailing edge dimmers for LED lights.  apparently it can matter.  


73 George  VE3YV / K8HI


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