[RFI] Tesla's Response to Solar Panel RFI

Dave Cole dave at nk7z.net
Sun Dec 15 16:58:17 EST 2019

Hi Jim,

Respectfully, in every case here but one, (and I have been involved in 
maybe 10 to 15 in the past three years), the RFI from grow ops were 
unheard on the AM band with a local station tuned in, and while in front 
of the offending grow op.

I am sure that in some cases it is hearable on an AM channel, but so far 
here, (and I have expressly, checked at each location), I have had very 
little luck with this.  It is one of the first things I check for, so I 
can involve the CE of the AM station being affected...

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 12/15/19 11:26 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 12/15/2019 6:40 AM, Dave Cole wrote:
>> The problem with that approach is that most AM stations are strong 
>> enough to override RFI, in most locations, on the AM broadcast band.
> That's not even close to being true. More than 30 years ago, a colleague 
> who was Chief Engineer at WLS, a 50kW clear channel station licensed to 
> Chicago with a transmitter site SW of the city center, found that his 
> station could not be heard through the noise in Ford vehicles in the 
> northern parts of the city. Noise conditions are FAR worse today.
> Growing up in WV in the '50s, our NBC radio affiliate was WLW, a 50kW 
> clear channel station on 700 kHz, 125 miles away.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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