[RFI] Tesla's Response to Solar Panel RFI

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 15 19:10:53 EST 2019

"The instant that the word "class action" is mentioned, every solar 
company on the Earth will stop assisting anyone that is currently being 
assisted in the US, and turn over all contact to a lawyer. All new 
assistance cases will be vectored through the lawyers.  The next time 
someone complains they will be talking to a lawyer, not a technician."

Yep, better than these corporate dolts trying to make sense of all the 
laws the violate while their victims continue to suffer.  Let the 
lawyers tell them, "Yeah, you've committed so many thoroughly documented 
violations, you'd better fix them all now, and ensure it can never 
happen again, or remove your equipment, and close the doors, as based on 
all this, you're permanently boned...", followed by, "Oh, you KNEW it 
was this bad since day one?  Yeah, you're really f'ed, no way out now, 
should have fixed this when it was $10 worth of parts!"

It could save decades of hassle with those that have no ability to know, 
or find out.  Save time, and effort, let them call their lawyers, those 
that don't know, rather than get free advice, from those that do...


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