[RFI] RV Converter Issue

rrath at charter.net rrath at charter.net
Mon Dec 16 19:47:06 EST 2019

Hi Jim. I get the noise only when I transmit with the HF radio. So RF
is getting into the converter.

>What is the full name/description of the thing you are calling a 
 >"converter?" Is it a 12VDC to 120VAC INVERTER? Such a device is 
 >inherently noisy.
The brand is WFCO Power Converter model WF-8955PEC. This converter
converts 120v AC to 12v DC. This is what the trailer factory
installed. It puts out 13.6v DC up to 55 amps.

 >Yep, as long as it's running, it will put noise on any wires
 >to it, like the 12V bus.

It makes noise whether it is on or off; does not make any difference.
>Since we don't know what the "converter" is, it's hard to say. :)
Where do you hear the noise -- is it >coming through a speaker or
headphones, or some audible noise from inside the "converter?"
The noise is coming from inside the converter.Again, I had all the
120v AC breakers turned off and removed all the 12v DC fuses, so as to
remove all wires coming into and going out of the converter, EXCEPT
the positive and negative wires going to the batteries.
Rod Rath


[1] http://k9yc.com/KillingRXNoiseVisalia.pdf

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[2] http://k9yc.com/KillingRXNoiseVisalia.pdf
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