[RFI] Tesla's Response to Solar Panel RFI
Hare, Ed W1RFI
w1rfi at arrl.org
Wed Dec 18 15:42:20 EST 2019
Actually, we don’t mind getting those reports. In general, Solar Edge has been scheduling repairs and getting them done eventually, but if that process fails for any reason, we can talk to Solar Edge and get things back on track.
We need to do more on our web page.
-----Original Message-----
From: RFI <rfi-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Dave Cole
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2019 9:54 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Tesla's Response to Solar Panel RFI
Is there an appropriate path for sharing? I suspect neither Ed nor Paul, would like getting every RFI report in their respective mail box...
As of now, I think the only path for sharing this sort of information is to send it to Paul. Paul may not want every RFI complaint sent to him for sharing... Some direction from the ARRL would be helpful here.
This leaves at least the following four questions:
0. Should we report all cases of RFI solved and unsolved to the ARRL?
1. What, if any, is the approved method for getting reports to the ARRL for successful resolutions, and for failed resolutions of RFI incidents?
3. Does the League have a page showing what they are doing in general for RFI mitigation in the industry? Not individual cases, but an update page as to what the ARRL did this month to fight RFI... The last update to the FCC page was in 2018.
I could go on, but you get the idea... If the ARRL wants to be the coordinating body, then the ARRL needs to provide a method of reporting, that does not hammer the individuals, but allow the ARRL to get an overview of just how bad it is out here-- and it is bad...
The local Bi-Mart is selling Chinese grow lights for 40 bucks each here in Oregon, they have a shelf full of them, and none of them have any FCC markings on the light, or the instructions... Each kit consists of LEDs in a bar configuration, and a big hurking SMPS.
I remember when the ARRL created an almost perfect case for RFI with Home Depot... What happened to that? I have heard the FCC did nothing...
If the ARRL creates everything the FCC needs, and the FCC does nothing, all the reporting in the world to the ARRL won't help...
I fear for our hobby...
73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources
On 12/15/19 6:11 PM, Gary wrote:
> Paul is a good guy as is Ed Hare at the ARRL
> http://www.arrl.org/edward-f-hare-jr
> The league is working this issue pretty hard, but since the league is all of us (members anyway) we need to document what we come across in the way of RFI and work with our neighbors when we can. Sharing that info with the league is a very good idea.
> 73,
> Joe kk0sd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RFI <rfi-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Dave Cole
> Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2019 7:17 PM
> Cc: <Rfi at contesting.com> <rfi at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Tesla's Response to Solar Panel RFI
> I have worked with Paul as well, he is good folk, and will assist...
> Don't wait for RFI to find you, approach your ARRL Directors now...
> Bring up RFI, and ask for reports as to what is happening RFI wise at the ARRL.
> 73, and thanks,
> Dave (NK7Z)
> https://www.nk7z.net
> ARRL Volunteer Examiner
> ARRL Technical Specialist
> ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources
> On 12/15/19 5:08 PM, Jamie WW3S wrote:
>> I've had good luck contacting Paul W1VLF at the ARRL, I think he is
>> the new (relatively) RFI guy. Paul started the case with Solar Edge,
>> and I was later contacted by TJ, a senior field engineer with Solar
>> Edge. Its my understanding TJ, and a couple of installers, visit
>> installation like my neighbors to retrofit them with updated
>> components. Now, a couple of flies in the ointment, it hasn't been
>> fixed....yet....parts were supposed to be ordered in mid August, with
>> a 10 week delivery time. That should have been early November but he
>> was involved with a service emergency in CA, due to the wildfires.
>> Also, Solar Edge is the vendor, not the retailer, so they (Green
>> Solar
>> Tech) need to get involved.....now, the final fly, and one that
>> concerns me the most is I sent TJ a copy of the QST article from
>> April 2016, by Tony K1KP, that details the fix for Solar Edge
>> systems, and the response I received was "Yes, I'm familiar with the
>> article, and it is wrong".....so.....I'm still cautiously optimistic
>> that this will be resolved, but I'm concerned the method they will be
>> using.....so contact Paul at the ARRL (copy your director as
>> well)...Paul is very responsive and has the contacts with Solar Edge
>> to get the process started, and he has been up front during this whole process......Merry Christmas to all.....
>> ------ Original Message ------
>> From: "Stan Zawrotny" <k4sbz.stan at gmail.com
>> <mailto:k4sbz.stan at gmail.com>>
>> To: "Dave Cole" <dave at nk7z.net <mailto:dave at nk7z.net>>
>> Cc: "<Rfi at contesting.com <mailto:Rfi at contesting.com>>"
>> <rfi at contesting.com <mailto:rfi at contesting.com>>
>> Sent: 12/15/2019 5:59:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: [RFI] Tesla's Response to Solar Panel RFI
>>> Our "class action" vehicle, as was already pointed out, is the ARRL.
>>> As part of their charter to protect our spectrum and represent their
>>> members in all aspects of the hobby, they need to step up to the
>>> plate and take charge of the Solar RFI problem. They, in turn, need
>>> to (1) contact offending companies, and (2) pressure the FCC to
>>> become aware of the entire noise level problem and start enforcing
>>> their rules.
>>> Stan, K4SBZ
>>> On Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 4:58 PM Dave Cole <dave at nk7z.net
>>> <mailto:dave at nk7z.net>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>> Respectfully, in every case here but one, (and I have been involved
>>>> in maybe 10 to 15 in the past three years), the RFI from grow ops
>>>> were unheard on the AM band with a local station tuned in, and
>>>> while in front of the offending grow op.
>>>> I am sure that in some cases it is hearable on an AM channel, but
>>>> so far here, (and I have expressly, checked at each location), I
>>>> have had very little luck with this. It is one of the first things
>>>> I check for, so I can involve the CE of the AM station being affected...
>>>> 73, and thanks,
>>>> Dave (NK7Z)
>>>> https://www.nk7z.net
>>>> ARRL Volunteer Examiner
>>>> ARRL Technical Specialist
>>>> ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources On 12/15/19
>>>> 11:26 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>>>>> On 12/15/2019 6:40 AM, Dave Cole wrote:
>>>>>> The problem with that approach is that most AM stations are
>>>>>> strong enough to override RFI, in most locations, on the AM broadcast band.
>>>>> That's not even close to being true. More than 30 years ago, a
>>>> colleague
>>>>> who was Chief Engineer at WLS, a 50kW clear channel station
>>>>> licensed to Chicago with a transmitter site SW of the city center,
>>>>> found that his station could not be heard through the noise in
>>>>> Ford vehicles in the northern parts of the city. Noise conditions are FAR worse today.
>>>>> Growing up in WV in the '50s, our NBC radio affiliate was WLW, a
>>>>> 50kW clear channel station on 700 kHz, 125 miles away.
>>>>> 73, Jim K9YC
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