[RFI] LED Lights

Dale Johnson dj2001x at comcast.net
Fri Dec 20 11:31:49 EST 2019

Feit Electric at the LED’s that I have in the shack lamp and other places in the house.  There are two in the basement that I never shut off.  The shop lights are also Feit Electric.  My doublet goes over the house at about 30 feet, it’s 140 feet long with open feeders.  The yagi is a SteppIR at about 40 feet now and the tower base is about 35 feet from my shack window.  When I turn on the lights I don’t hear any increase in the noise floor here which is pretty quiet here for being in  a city.  Noise floor right now on 20 meters is about S-2 to S-3 on my K3 with no attenuation, preamp off.  If I turn the yagi South the noise floor increases, I believe it’s from my neighbors next door (200 ft) or beyond, but not from my own house.  

Dale, K9VUJ

On 20, Dec 2019, at 9:26, Gary Johnson <gwj at wb9jps.com> wrote:

1. What make and model… exactly.

2. How far are your antennas from those lights?

I can also say with 100% confidence that a NOISY fixture will cause a proximal RFI problem even if only one is installed.

-Gary NA6O

> On Dec 20, 2019, at 12:51 AM, Dale Johnson <dj2001x at comcast.net> wrote:
> I have them in the shack for my desk lamp, no noise.  Also have them in the basement on 24/7 no noise.  My shop lights both garage and basement shop are LED and no noise except don’t daisy chain them.  
> Good luck
> Dale, k9vuj
> On 19, Dec 2019, at 22:04, Gary Johnson <gwj at wb9jps.com> wrote:
> Simple. Avoid fixtures. I have yet to find one that is acceptably quiet. Use  medium-base screw-in bulbs, per the list at the bottom of my RFI page.
> http://wb9jps.com/Gary_Johnson/RFI.html
> Gary  NA6O  
> Hello all could someone suggest where to get LED light that do not 
> generate RFI and a place where these lights can be purchased.Thank You
> Leoard
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