[RFI] Common mode choke on 4 Square feedlines without skewing phasing?

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Wed Jan 23 19:48:51 EST 2019

Another coax choice for 75 ohms is RG179, TFE + SCCS conductor + silver 
shield.  Slightly less diameter than RG400.  I've not had SCCS creep 
problems in dozens of QRO chokes I've made with 50 ohm SCCS RG142, but 
if buying new 50 ohm cable the stranded RG400 is the better choice. 
Belden says 1250 watts at 50MHz for the 75 ohm RG179, so for a 160m or 
80m 4 sq probably has lots of headroom.  179 is available on ebay.

Grant KZ1W

On 1/23/2019 12:45 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 1/23/2019 5:10 AM, Dave Cole (NK7Z) wrote:
>> If you are using the DX Engineering box shown at:
>> https://static.dxengineering.com/global/images/instructions/dxe-tfs4-80b-p.pdf 
> Looking at the instructions, I see that the cables to the individual 
> antennas are RG11, so a 50 ohm choke would likely disturb the match, and 
> thus the phasing. A possible solution would be to wind the chokes with a 
> 75 ohm coax.
> My measured data is for RG400, which has a PTFE jacket, and RG400 was 
> chosen because it has a stranded copper center to accommodate the tight 
> bend radius. The fly in the ointment is that resonance in the choke 
> depends somewhat on the diectric properties of the outer jacket. The 
> good news is that on 80M, the circuit Q of the choke resonance is low 
> enough that guidelines for RG400 would likely be "close enough" for a 
> good 0.195" 75 ohm cable like LMR200-75, which specs a minimum bend 
> radius of 0.5-in. That would NOT be true for 160M, where the circuit Q 
> is much higher, and the resonance much narrower.
> Taking all of this into consideration, I would suggest a choke wound 
> with 19 turns of LMR-200-75 on the big 4-in o.d. toroids. That works out 
> to be about 6.5-ft by the time connectors are added (measure as you 
> build the chokes). LMR-200-75 has VF of 0.83; if the RG11 you're using 
> also has a foam dielectric, the cables would be shortened by the same 
> length as what you're adding with the choke.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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