[RFI] "Quiet" 12 volt LED "fixture" (2' or 4')

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Tue Jan 29 16:04:37 EST 2019

The "LEDS on a tape" are a good choice.  A resistor and LED every couple 
of inches, cut off what you need with scissors.   Sticky tape on the 
back. ebay & amazon.  cheap.

Grant KZ1W

On 1/29/2019 11:10 AM, W7SLS wrote:
> Hello,
> Looking for recommendations for RF quiet 12 volt LED fixture, perhaps 2 feet or 4 feet long.
> Context:
> 	Intended use is ARES (ham) station at a hospital, to illuminate the work area,
> 	bright enough to read by (not just avoid bumpng into things)
> 	12 volts is readily available (600 watt solar array, 600 Ah battery bank).
> 		Yes, “12 volts” might actually be “14.5 volts”.
> 	We have an inverter for 120 VAC, but prefer to minimize 120 VAC items.
> 	We use VHF / UHF now, and plan to add HF this spring.
> 	Prefer something that I can “just install” (rather than a bag of LEDs to assemble).
> 	As it is a hospital, UL or equivalent is preferred.
> 	As it is likely to be self funded, somewhat cost conscious.
> Thank you for considering.
> Scott
> PS:  we also need to illuminate a “100 foot” hall, so as not to trip on anything.  Just get 12 volt “rope lights”, and string out as needed?
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