[RFI] Portables for sniffing RFI

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Jul 12 02:42:33 EDT 2019

On 7/11/2019 12:04 PM, D C _Mac_ Macdonald wrote:
> My 660 died between the time I received it and the next time I tried to turn it on several months later.  Nobody seems to know where to get it fixed.  I doubt that I would buy anything more made by Tecsun.

That's a minority opinion.The Tecsun are excellent radios, have 
exceptional performance. I own two PL380s and a PL660. For chasing RFI, 
the 660 has the major advantage of AM on the aircraft band about the FM 
broadcast band -- the 880 does not cover that band at all. Like Howard, 
I'm disappointed with audio frequency response.

I live in the boonies, so I can't comment on strong signal performance, 
but these radios have exceptional selectivity. I own some excellent 
vintage FM tuners with a six-gang capacitor ahead of the IF, but both 
the 380 and 660 blow them away for selectivity. Example -- local signals 
on 91.5 and 91.9 MHz, but both Tecsuns produce clean audio on a weaker 
and more distant station on 91.7 that the vintage tuners don't even know 
is there. BTW -- those vintage Technics FM tuners sold for $750 in 1978 
when I bought them. They DO have exceptional strong signal performance.

These radios are good enough to patch into your home stereo, alligator 
clip to the center conductor of coax from an outdoor antenna, and crank 
the gain up. The frequency response issue can be corrected by the tone 
control/EQ on the stereo rig.

73, Jim K9YC

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