[RFI] Power Line Noise

Dave rocketnj at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 10:27:39 EDT 2020

Could be On Foot!

I’ve got to get the power company back out once the virus passes. Primary for my neighborhood ends on one of the poles in front of my house. When it gets low humidity and anything over a slight breeze the noise floor primarily on 40 meters and 15 meters goes up about 20 dB. 

Fortunately my HF radio is a Flex and the wide noise blanker knocks it down to normal levels. Still need to get the problem fixed.

Reading the discussions in this forum are very informative for picking up some tricks to track noise.

Dave wo2x

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 17, 2020, at 8:04 AM, Michael Martin, RFI Services <mike at rfiservices.com> wrote:

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